Page Last Updated: 9/13/96
*RCA 46" Big Screen Home Theater T.V., 2 years old, and 10' Perfect 10 Satellite Dish with General Instruments 450 Receiver. Also 2 years old. $3500.00. Phone 564-5199
* MYRTLE BEACH VACATION: Sleeps Six (6), A/C, refrig., stove, cable & VCR, one (1) minute from beach. Aug. 25-Sept 1 & Sept 1-Sept 8 available. $400 wk. (803) 564-5418
*WONDERING WHERE THIS COUNTRY IS GOING? Find out who's really running this country. For details write to: Behind the Scenes, P.O. Box 611, Wagener, SC 29164
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This page is produced and maintained by Tom Sliker of Sliker Office Solutions, Wagener, SC.