Welcome to the First Edition of The Tri-County News
by Rep. Charles Sharpe, Publisher
This is the first edition of a newspaper to bring you the news in the covered area and provide an advertising medium for the local merchants. Our objective is to provide you with a copy of the local "GOOD NEWS" and a paper to find everything you need every day from groceries, hardware, auto needs, farm and animal supplies, restaurants, and even a classified sectino to sell things you own.
The Tri-County News will be mailed to you once each month for a trial period. If this works and the advertisers get enough response from you, their customers, it will continue. If this does not work, we will offer the paper at a nominal charge for a yearly subscription.
In Order for The Tri-County News to be successful, it has to serve with the types of articles you want and enjoy. Would you plese take a few minutes to jot down a few items of interest to you and this area and we will do our best to publish them for you. Some ideas are: school news, obituaries, town meetings, churches, festivals, just what ever!
We would also be interested in what you think our area needs such as farm outlets, houses (for sale or rent), subdivisions, mobile home parks, apartments, restaurants (what kind), recreation areas.
Woule you be willing to serve on any committees in the community and schools to make it a better place to live, learn, and work? Would you plan to make most of your purchases in the area if they were supplied here?
Please feel free to write and let us know how to better serve you our reader. The address is:
The Tri-County News
PO Box 627
Wagener, SC 29164
The Tri-County News is published by:
Sharpe Enterprises, Ltd.
Charles Sharpe, Publisher
Sandy Daggerhart, Account Executive
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This page is produced and maintained by Tom Sliker of Sliker Office Solutions, Wagener, SC.